Enhance Your Water Analysis with the MACHEREY-NAGEL Compact Photometer PF‑12 Plus from Vendart

11, Sep 2024

In the world of water and wastewater analysis, precision and reliability are crucial. The MACHEREY-NAGEL Compact Photometer PF‑12 Plus, available from Vendart, is designed to meet these needs with a combination of advanced features, rugged durability, and user-friendly operation. Whether you’re in the field or the lab, the PF‑12Plus is the ideal companion for accurate and efficient water analysis.

Designed for Mobile Water Analysis

The PF‑12Plus is not just any photometer—it’s a device tailored specifically for mobile water analysis. With over 100 pre-programmed methods, this compact photometer is versatile enough to handle various applications, from routine checks to specialized tests. It’s perfect for professionals working in diverse environments, whether you’re on-site at a water treatment plant or out in the field collecting samples.

One of the standout features of the PF‑12Plus is its ability to perform nephelometric turbidity measurements (NTU) in the range of 1–1000 NTU. Thanks to its specially positioned 860 nm LED, it can measure light scattering at a 90° angle, providing high-precision turbidity readings. The unique NTU-Check function controls turbidity in parallel to every measurement, ensuring your results are as accurate as possible.

Versatile and User-Friendly

The PF‑12Plus photometer is incredibly versatile, supporting a wide range of tests. It can evaluate VISOCOLOR ECO, VISOCOLOR Powder Pillows, NANOCOLOR ECO, and NANOCOLOR tube tests, making it a comprehensive tool for all areas of water analysis. The device’s intuitive, icon-based menu navigation and clear task bar mean that even users with minimal training can quickly learn to operate the photometer with ease.

Moreover, the PF‑12Plus meets the rigorous requirements of the military standard MIL-STD 8100 (test specification 514.2), ensuring it can withstand harsh conditions. Its robust and waterproof housing (IP 68) makes it an excellent choice for use in tough environments, from industrial sites to remote fieldwork locations.

Ready for Use Right Out of the Box

When you purchase the PF‑12Plus, you get a fully equipped device that’s ready to go. It comes in a durable case with all the necessary accessories, including batteries and a screwdriver for quick setup. Simply insert the batteries using the provided screwdriver, and the photometer is ready for operation. Within seconds of switching it on, you can start selecting tests from the pre-programmed methods or enter custom settings as needed.

Advanced Measurement Capabilities

The PF‑12Plus is more than just a basic photometer; it’s a powerful analytical tool. It operates within a wavelength range of 345-690 nm and uses a xenon lamp in combination with seven interference filters to ensure precise measurement results. The absorbed light is detected after passing through the sample and is converted into the concentration of the analyte using a stored calibration.

In addition to nephelometric turbidity measurements, the PF‑12Plus offers various other measurement modes, including:

  • Formazin Attenuation Units (FAU) at 620 nm (4–350 FAU)
  • Spectral Absorption Coefficient (SAC) at 436 nm (0.4–100 1/m)
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) at 690 nm (70–750 mg/L)

This versatility makes the PF‑12Plus an indispensable tool for comprehensive water quality analysis.

Custom Programming and Data Management

For users who need to conduct specialized tests, the PF‑12Plus offers custom programming options. You can create linear and non-linear functions, up to the 4th degree, or even logarithmic functions to suit specific analytical needs. Additionally, data management is simplified with MACHEREY-NAGEL’s data export software, allowing you to easily transfer and process your measurement data in external programs.

Built to Last

The PF‑12Plus is built to endure the demands of regular use in challenging conditions. Its compact dimensions and rugged design ensure that it can be transported easily and used reliably in any setting. The optional battery pack (REF 919201) further enhances its mobility, enabling easy charging via USB at home or on the go.

Tips for Optimal Performance

To ensure the best results with your PF‑12 Plus photometer, follow these tips:

  • Cleanliness is Key: Always clean your cuvettes before use and ensure the cuvette slot is free from dust and contaminants.
  • Regular Maintenance: Check the photometric accuracy and nephelometric turbidity units twice a year using NANOCONTROL test solutions to maintain precision.
  • Proper Storage: Store the device and its components properly to avoid damage and prolong the life of your equipment.

The MACHEREY-NAGEL Compact Photometer PF‑12 Plus from Vendart is a top-tier solution for water analysis, combining advanced technology with practical, user-friendly features. Its rugged design, extensive test capabilities, and reliable performance make it an essential tool for professionals in water and wastewater analysis. Whether you’re conducting routine tests or specialized analyses, the PF‑12Plus ensures you get accurate, reliable results every time.
